Lens of Identity

Deviana Wijaya is an energetic 19 years old girl who lives in Tangerang, Indonesia. She was born in October 23rd 1996 and she is the last child in her family. She has two brothers who have far different ages with her; the first one is 10 years difference and the second one is 6 years difference. She and her family love dogs so much, hence she has a dog that she loves wholeheartedly, its name is Jelly. 

Having two brothers makes her a little bit boyish, she likes to play RPG games with her brothers yet she can be so girlish sometimes because she is in love with knitting more than anything. For her, while she is knitting she can feel the fire in her because that is what every person feels while doing their passion, right?

Devi is a person who will see everything in positive and negative ways. 

In the past, she was trapped in a fangirl world, a world that she never wished to have before. She became blind with reality and became a different person who lived in her own bubble. She restricted herself from society and her surroundings for about 4 years, even though, she knew that she was wrong and tried her best to demolish the bubble from her. 

After the moment about her idol decided to leave from the group band that she loved, it slapped her so hard and brought her back to reality to be a new and a better person. She becomes wiser and not even regret her past because she realizes that from her past, she has learned so many things; she learned languages, she learned adobes, she even learned how to love, and so on. 

She will always try to distinguish about what she sees and what she wants to believe. Why? Because she always holds firmly to her motto 

'everything happens for a reason and it is not a waste of time if you learn something'

She is currently studying in Bina Nusantara University in Kemanggisan, Jakarta and choosing English Literature as her major. Even though, her education background was in Vocational High School and focused on Accounting, she loves to learn and know about English more. 

This is the first time she has to do round-trip almost everyday from Tangerang to Jakarta since all of her schools since Kindergarten until Vocational High School were in Tangerang. However, it does NOT make her give up to reach her dreams. 

She has a lot of dreams to achieve and she understands that it will not be easy to achieve them, yet she knows that her efforts will be worth it. Because 

‘nothing worth having comes easy’.


  1. I love the way you let your story flows and wrap it up with moral story in each part. Keep up the good work! :)


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